Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day Plus Seventeen

Jody's platelets have risen to 71 and her ANC is now 36... Jody is now coming back... her bottom was zero... and now her ANC is 36 (I am repeating myself... I am so excited... I want to scream...) This is the first indication that the stems cells are growing blood cells. The doctors are not sure if it is the donor cells; that will take a couple of more weeks to be sure, but it very well could be.

Last night I told you Jody was losing her hair, so she asked me to cut her hair...

Before "in eager anticipation..."
 You know... it is like taking your pet to the veterinarian they get so excited to jump in the car and go on this great adventure.  I am not trying to say Jody's my pet or anything, but check out the next set of pictures...

"the first cut"
"are you sure you know what you are doing?"
I think at this point Jody was questioning her decision. I told her we were at a point of no return, so "GRIT your teeth!" I think my smile gave me away a little... Looks like I am enjoying what I am doing... Oh yes... looking good...

"you are having too much fun..."

YEP! This is really cool... I bet Trudy wishes she could be here, not to mention Jody's Denver beautician, Joy. I think she just quit crying on the inside and was beginning to see the beauty of the job I was doing... well, at least that was what I was thinking. "We are almost done Honey... Sit still... I do not want to mess up... Quit squirming..."

"I feel beautiful..." No cuts, scrapes or burns...
We had a great time... I hope you enjoyed the pictures. We are so excited about Jody's ANC count that nothing matters at this point. I guess now she will get some use out of Chris's hats. I can not wait to bring her home.

Jody is having a good day, and she is excited about the good news. I am going to stay home and finish some of the projects I have been working on. I am planning to go in later tonight after dinner and spend the night. I will try and write more when I get to the hospital.

Love you guys!

"The act of compassion begins with full attention, just as rapport does. You have to really see the person. If you see the person, then naturally, empathy arises. If you tune into the other person, you feel with them. If empathy arises, and if that person is in dire need, then empathic concern can come. You want to help them, and then that begins a compassionate act. So I'd say that compassion begins with attention."

Daniel Goleman
Psychologist, author of "Ecological Intelligence"
also wrote "Emotional Intelligence".


  1. I am just awwh struck and amazed. That is amazing and wonderful for the both of you! No one deserves better news than the two of you. I have been up and down with news with my family for the past 3 weeks but nothing like your news. Can't wait to see Jody come home to recouperate. See you soon. Love Ray

  2. You two are so stinkin cute!!!!! I hope I can come visit soon! LOVE YOU

  3. Okay so I have been writing on your post almost weekly! Tom really does a good job making people feel like they are in the loop, and close to you. Today I looked back at the post I wrote and was wondering why you or Tom have not got back to me!!!!! Well I never previewed the "post", and put in the security word, DUHHHHH. I am glad I finally figured this out because I have been writing since I recieved my Birthday card, I still can not believe you sent me a Birthday card 3 days before your transplant, unbelievable! Anyway Jody you look beautiful, and I can not wait to see you. ~Amanda

  4. The first one about you guys looking so stinking cute was me too, see I am FINALLY figuring this out!~Amanda

  5. We love you Amanda... Thanks for the comment

    Thanks Ray...

    abd thanks to who ever did not give us his or her name... Love you all!

  6. Jody looks GREAT!(: I think Tom enjoyed that too much! Love the pics and the updates! Take care. Love, Cindy

  7. Jody & Tom,
    You guys are too funny. That news was awesome today. You're right Tom I would have liked to do the haircut myself. You look like you were enjoying that a little too much!! Jody, you have the most perfect head for that cut. Keep up the good work, and the walking. We miss you guys and the wonderful Mexican food in Denver!!!

  8. I did like it Trudy... They serve Mexican food every day out here, so come on down...

  9. Well Amanda I'm glad someone else missed the code word trick. I sent several e's early on and wondered why I never saw them. So Amanda we have connection besides the one of sharing our wonderful friendship with Jody. Chris
