Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day Plus Nine

Jody just called to say, she is now "Neutropenic"... HO RAY!...  I guess? Anyway remember the chart I put up on "Day Plus Seven". It talked about Neutropenia and what it meant. Jody's white cells have dropped significantly, which means the chemo has done its thing and she is highly susceptible to catching colds and viruses. So if anyone is sick and plans to visit please do not. It is not that Jody does not love you; and does not want to see you, it is that if she catches so much as a cold it could be devastating. She now has no way to fight anything, her immune system is gone. (Remember if you can not read the poster you can click on the picture and zoom in...)

The other day a good friend Cinda dropped by to visit. For those of you who do not know Cinda, she flew with Jody at Eastern. Cinda went on to join Frontier and Jody went to United via Kiwi Airline. She gave Jody a beautiful collage of their life together and Jody, had me mount in at the head of her bed. Jody really loves it...

Check out the Hair Do's
For those who are wondering how the garden is doing... I am feverishly pulling "Dead Heads" (Jody calls them "Dead Beats"... we all know she is a little crazy... "Hon, I think you are referring to people who do not pay their bills and not the tops of the flowers... OK Hon..." ) Here are some pictures.

Notice the Egg Plant in the picture to the right. I was just out looking at the plant and I have two "gi-normous" (it is slang for very large... Jody wanted to know what JAH_EYE_NORMOUS meant... ain't she cute!") fruits growing on it... Trudy, eat your HEART out!...  Love you guys...

Jody continues to tolerate all the bad stuff the doctors are throwing at her. She got up, walked a mile, ate breakfast and talked to Joe (her father) on SKYPE, which by the way continues to amaze him... I mean the SKYPE part. (Jody's SKYPE ID is Jody also continues to amaze the doctors with her progress... We are not completely out of the woods until "Day Plus Twelve"... The BMT Team doctors think that if she continues making this kind of progress, Jody might be able to go home in a week. At that point we have the next one-hundred days to contend with, but it would be so much easier if she was home with me.

Everyone knows how Jody is always thinking about the comfort of others and much to my chagrin I am trying to get her to work on letting others care for her. Like when I am in the kitchen and she removes a hot pan from the burner, Jody feels the necessity to come clear across the room to tell me to be careful and not touch the stove because it is HOT. Let me tell you... if I touched the stove and burnt my hand, it would be the last time I touch the stove. "I learn very quickly!" In the same sense Jody is of the opinion that nobody can clean and organize like her, everything is in its place, labeled and folded exactly right. Jody has begun to tell me (via the phone) how to clean and organize the house and where I should put things. Jody says "you will forget where you put things". Well now let me tell you... we live in a small 1400 sq.ft. townhouse and there are not a lot of places to loose things, "If I forget where I put it, we will find it... I guarantee it." For those who are wondering why I am going down this path, it is because her comment helped me determine my quote of the day. It has to do with unnecessary acts, thoughts, etc., so enjoy.  

More to follow...

“A man should take away not only unnecessary acts, but also unnecessary thoughts, for thus superfluous acts will not follow after.”

Marcus Aurelius (121–180)
Roman emperor

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