Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Plus Nineteen

Have not heard from Jody yet. Lately she has been sleeping in a little later.

Yesterday Jody was a ball of energy. Her spirits are high and she is very excited to be feeling better. Her shoulder , which has been hurting her for a week, now appears to be feeling better. Jody is not happy that she is back on the LOVENOX shots, (Remember when her platelets went up over 50 she would have to go back on the shots.) but she is tolerating them.

I wanted to post a couple of pictures of Jody with her long flowing blond hair...

Jody from the back
The hat was a gift from her long time friends in Texas, Bill and  Sharon Fauber. It took her 30 minutes to get ready for theses pictures. Just imagine if she had to put on make-up, how long it would have taken. OH yes! Jody just had to show all of the nurses her new hat...  Thanks Bill and Sharon, you made her smile and laugh.
"Ain't she purtty!" (that means BEAUTIFUL from where I come from)
OK, the number is in... 224! Jody's ANC continues to rise. Her Platelets are now at 98 and her HCT is 26.6. All the numbers are improving. It is all a very positive indication. The doctors warn us her cells could still drop, so everyone is cautiously optimistic. It is looking better for her to come home sometime this week.

Can you believe it... (I just though of this...)we are now at 30 days since I started posting daily. Jody is now in her fourth week at the hospital, so there is a possibility she will be out before she starts the fifth week. Wouldn't that be wonderful!

More to follow...

1 comment:

  1. So a Christie Brinkley look alike! Especially with the bouncing pony tail. I'll look for you in the Hamptons.
    Just returned from Four Fox. Was glad to read that your numbers are heading in a good direction. I pooped myself out weeding for some 3+ hours on a very steep berm that goes down to the pond. Often times I slid to the bottom and had to walk around back to the top. But it is basically done. Just need to spray some crown vetch to get rid of it but the rains came too soon.
    Amos is becoming a better listener, we are proud of him.
    Did Tom learn to do buzz cuts in the service? Chris
