Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day Plus Six

It is a beautiful morning!

Jody awoke in good spirits, took her shower and is looking at the menu... News Flash! Jody's ANC is now in and we are at 1462 so we are continuing to stay flat. Her platelets are 100, so they too are staying level (this is what determines if she needs to get the Lovenx shots). We are questioning what this means? Jody is doing quite well and continues to tolerate the drugs.

Jody's PA (physician's assistant), Bryce Younger stopped by to assure us the nader (the rate of ANC drop) is different depending on the type of chemo protocol. In Jody's case she had Fludarabine-Busulfan (Flu-Blu)and the nader is typically 10 to 14 days to drop to zero. Her last chemo was on "Day Minus Two" so she is currently at 8 days. That means "Day Plus Eight" through "Day Plus Twelve" should be the worst. Bryce tells us everyone is different and we all know Jody is different. ( I love you honey...)

Hey everyone! I meant to tell you we are on Skype, the connection is OK. If you want to connect send us your number or call us and let us know you are on and we will call you. Anyone who is not on Skype; Skype is a free program that connects computer-to-computer via the Internet using VOIP and if you have a camera attached to your computer we can see you and you can see us. It is real easy to use so you non-techs can do it too.

I have a couple of pictures for everyone...

Local talent I found at the nursing station.

Kami and Jody

Here she comes!
She has to walk 46 times up and down the hall, to walk a mile. She is a pro at this from all the years pushing a beverage cart down the ailses... "Coffee? Water? Please remain seated... Out of my WAY! you BO ZO!"

Rounding the corner

I caught Jody eyeballing the exit sign.

Someone come quick, she's trying to escape!

There she goes... Cute butt...
This is a woman on a mission. "I have no time to talk... I am on number 45... " I think I saw her smile as she turned the corner...

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."
Denis Waitley
Financial, Professional


  1. Looking good Jody! I didn't realize you had an "escort" on your walks. Aluminam man makes you look fat in comparison. And Tom's colorful commentary can only be matched by John Madden's football commentary. Will take some Monarch Butterfly chrysalis's to assisted today...hopefully they can see them with the magnifying lense. Keep on trucking. Chris

  2. It is too bad we couldn't wear those slippers on the all-night to Miami. The mask would have helped with the colds too. All in all it is the perfect flight attendant uniform. You give it panache.
    I remember Bill's walks around the corridor. Keep it up. Hasta Later Sharon Fauber
