Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day Plus One-Hundred-Forty-One

I arrived at the hospital around nine this morning and Jody was definitely looking better. She had a low grade temperature last night but by morning she was normal. Her favorite meal at the hospital is breakfast... She ordered a cheese omelet with an order of bacon and two pancakes... YUM! The doctors like Jody to keep her appetite up.

More to follow...

Around 3 o'clock Dr Bearman stopped in to meet with Jody and me. He told us the pneumonia in Jody's left lung is due to a fungus called Zygomycetes, which is in the family of mold called Mucor. It is the same as a everyday bread mold and it is around us every where in the air and in the ground. A person with a normal immune system does not even know they have the fungus and their immune system easily destroys it. In Jody's case it can be a problem if it is not dealt with immediately. The doctor explained to us that it is not connected with the blood bacteria (The blood bacteria in Jody's blood is called Pseudomonas) they found in Jody's blood culture. It is a blessing (if that's the right term) she had the bacteria infection... it caused her to spike a fever... which caused them to look at her lungs... which caused them to do the broncioscope... which allowed them to discover the fungus. This fungus is what they watch for in allogenic transplant patients. It is usually not detected because the patient has no signs of infection until their lungs are fully engulfed. Dr. Bearman informed us he has called in a cardiovascular surgeon to discuss with us what needs to be done.

Doctor Metzdorff (a cardiac, thoracic, vascular surgeon) stopped in to discuss our options. The mold is confined to Jody's left lung, specifically the lower left lobe. They also found a fifty-cent size spot in the left upper lobe. Antibiotics will have no effect on the fungus, anti-fugal drugs can take too long to have an effect and the fungus can spread rapidly. The only option we have is to remove the infected part of her left lung.

The doctor explained to us he wants to operate on Jody at 8 AM tomorrow. (You could have picked us up off the floor.) Jody has been doing so well and shows no signs of discomfort. Dr. Metzdorff is confidant he will be able to remove ninty-nine percent of the mold and the infectious disease doctors can take care of the rest with anti-fungal medication. The operation is not without danger. Her immune suppressant drugs have compromised her blood vessels and bleeding is a big concern. Dr. Metzdorff assured us he will take every precaution.

The operation is expected to last about three-hours. After surgery she will have two-tubes stuck in her chest to drain any fluid build-up and remove air from her chest cavity to prevent her lung from collapsing. She will initially be moved to intensive care where she will be under constant watch. If all goes well Jody will be moved back to the BMT ward on Saturday. The doctors have told us their goal is to get Jody well enough to be home for Christmas.

Tonight will be a good night to contact her... Watch the blog and I will let you know when it is safe to call.

We love you all... Keep Jody in your prayers! She is a fighter and we are confident she will sail through this situation in flying colors.

I will keep everyone posted...


  1. Oh Jody, I am so glad that they were able to catch the fungus so early. Good luck tomorrow. We will all be praying for you for a successful surgery and a very speedy recovery.


  2. Jody and Tom,

    Will be thinking of both of you tomorrow, and praying that the surgery will go smoothly. Special prayers for the doctors performing the surgery, and for Jody's quick recovery.

    Marilyn and Kent
