Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day Plus One-Hundred-Forty-Eight

Here it is December 23rd. Two days before Christmas and someone out there has chosen to make comments on Jody's blog that are not well taken. It makes little sense that someone could be so juvenile or intentionally mean and hurtful especially this time of the year. Peace and love to whomever you are. I will not justify what the person is doing by commenting any further. I have upped the security and will now require you to identify yourself to leave a comment.

That being said... This is Jody's first full day at home. We had a little bit of a challenge getting used to our bed again. Pretty much all day I was working on her medications. I had to call the hospital because one of her medications is on allocation and our local pharmacy can not get it. The nurse in charge said I could come down and pick up her dose for today, so off I went. On my way home I stopped by the pharmacy to pickup some polysporin for her dressing, when I got a call from the hospital pharmacy. They could supply me with a month supply  of the medication until my pharmacy could get the prescription in. So, I was off again to the hospital. Picking up drugs... setting up a weeks dosage in Jody's pill box... talking to her hydration supply company... and the oxygen supplier... my day was gone... here it is almost 4 o'clock and I am just now working on my "post".

Yesterday, before we left the hospital an unbelievable family stopped by to wish us a Merry Christmas. We were wondering what was going on out in the hall. Several of the nurses and the entire Biggerstaff family (mother, father, two daughters and their son Cody) family came into Jody's room to wish her/us a Merry Christmas. Students from Colorado State University and Cody's sisters high school and friends all go together and make beautiful blankets and slip them into big Christmas bags and present them every year to Bone marrow stem cell transplant patients in the hospital during the Christmas season. Cody has had two stem cell transplants; one autogenic from one of her sisters and the second was alogenic (the same as Jody) from and anonymous donor. The blanket the nurses choose for Jody was a big red blanket with dog prints on it. When they presented it to Jody; they said they knew right away, which blanket to give her based on what the nurses told them. It was quite emotional. Especially exciting to meet the family and here their story.

Here is the link to the story of when Cody was able to meet his donor back in August of this year when Jody was just coming home. It was also on National news... Click here for the link... Donor meeting celebrates a gift of life in Denver

What a crazy day...


  1. When you go on to make a comment or say something to Jody... Type what you want in the comment section... then go to the Comment as below... hit the drop down arrow... if you have a google account choose "Google Account" if you have one it will take you to Google and you will need to enter the gmail id and password... if you do not have one it will take you can sign up... then hit post comment... Thanks

  2. Hello Jody and Tom,

    I hope you are all well and the new year is off to a great start! We really enjoyed visiting with you both. Cody had a great day and I think it was a healing thing for him and our family to actually deliver the blankets ourself this year. Cody is still on break, but the girls returned to school tuesday so it is quiet around here. How are you feeling Jody? I hope better and better every day! Cody is going to volunteer on the bmt floor and go visit with patients once a month. This will be a good thing for him I think. We think of you and pray for you and hope to see you again someday soon! Happy New Year! Love Meloney, Mike, Cody, Caylee and McKenna Biggerstaff. Also thanks for sharing Codys story on you blog.
