Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Plus One-Hundred-Forty-Four

Arrived at the hospital today around 10:30 and Jody had just finished her breakfast. She is still weak from the operation but is alert and continues to improve. The surgeon stopped by along with her BMT doctor. They are happy to see the progress she is making.

By 1 o'clock she decided she wanted to get out of bed so the nurse helped her move to a chair. She stood for awhile and then moved to her chair. Jody's blood pressure has come down closer to her norm and her ANC (see "Day Zero" post) is back up to 4999 (Jody's ANC had dropped below 1500 prior to the operation). Jody's White blood cell count has gone up considerably, which indicates her new immune system is mounting a response to her infection.

The Bronco's play Oakland at 2:15 so we are settling in waiting for the game to start. Jody is excited to hear Tim Tebow will start. We have been discussing the game plan and the 4-3 defense pros and cons. ( This would not be possible with out her transplant and the fact she now has X and Y chromosomes. Ha!Ha! Let's see now she like Blue Moon Beer, loves hot peppers and wants to talk about football.)

The ICU physician stopped by to examine her and declared Jody is doing great. He thinks Dr. Metzdorff will probably be able to remove the tubes from her chest tomorrow. "Wouldn't that be great!" Jody and I are both holding out hope that she can come home for Christmas... not sure where the doctors are on the idea. If the surgeon removes the tube for her chest, the BMT feels she will be safe and Infectious Disease thinks I can give her antibiotics at home, it could happen. ("Oh, I almost forgot she has to have a pooh, too." you would be surprised how important this is...)

DARN! The Broncos lost, but Tebow had a good game. Jody has put the blame on the coaching staff, she is certain they had a bad game plan. Oh well, next week we have the Texans. Maybe that will be a turning point for the whole season.

Jody had her Chicken Tenders with French Fries. I think she looks content. One of Jody's many favorite nurses, Jane is on tonight, so she is happy. I turned on a Christmas show for her and I will be heading out to get some sleep and start all over tomorrow.

Continue to hold the calls, I will let you know when it would be good. If you just have to call, keep it short and do not have her go over all that has happened. She struggles to talk and is short of breadth. Think of something that will make her smile, laughing hurts.

Keep the prayers coming! You are doing GREAT... Love to everyone. See ya tomorrow...


  1. I'm glad you two are not Giants fans. I'm sure it would not be good for Jody's recuperation to be hitting her head against the wall after watching the Giants lose a super lead in the last few minutes of the game! I have no sypmpathy for your Broncos. I can't ...I'm presently hitting my head against the wall. Chris

  2. Jody
    You are always in my prayers. Keep fighting to reach you progress goals. In touch with Maureen May...she is keeping me informed.
