Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day Minus Four

Last night Jody did not get her first dose of chemo until after 11:00. The reason was due to the delay of her insurance approval and miscommunication with the hospital pharmacy. We were both getting a little anxious to get things started.

It took about 30 minutes to infuse through her IV. Beside the chemo Jody was also given a second drug. The Busulfan's (the chemo drug Jody will get on "Day minus Three" and "Day minus Two") side effect is seizures (not very common) so they want to be cautious and build-up a anti-seizure drug in her system. Today Jody will get her second dose of Fludarabine... probably around 5:00 this evening.

I did not get home until close to 1:00 last night... collapsed in bed and was back up at 6:30. I am going to collect a few things Jody needs and head back to the hospital by noon. Jody is doing well, the chemo made her a little dizzy last night, but other than that she is doing great.

Arrived at the hospital around 12:00. Jody is in great spirit. Her HCT had dropped to around 24, so she need two units of blood. We ordered lunch and ate, while she completed the transfusion.

Jody took her first shower, since arriving in the hospital. It always seems to invigorate her. After the shower Jody had her dressing changed from around her CVC. The CVC looked very good and she has begun to heal. The skin will grow around her CVC line. The line can remain in her chest for several months. As a caregiver I will be trained how to keep the line clean.

I have been asked to post Jody's address here at the hospital along with her room's phone number. Please keep in mind she is in a sterile environment, so do not send flowers or food. She can receive cards and letters, but do not put anything in the cards that could have germs (do not send anything if you are the least bit sick, Jody will not have any immune system for at least six months), dust or pollen on it.

Presbyterian/St Luke Hospital
Room 3304
1719 E. 19th Ave.
Denver, CO 80218

Room phone number 303-869-1514
She has her cell, which is 973-698-7794
and the email is

In today's Denver Post there was an especially poignant news snippet...

Jody all ready has two best friends Laura and Jill... They are her two BMT transplant nurses that try (I really do mean TRY) to take care of Jody. We all know how much Jody likes to be taken care of... Jody has discovered they are both from Minnesota... Laura has a boyfriend and Jill just had a baby. I am sure she will get their birthday shortly so we can add them to the birthday card list.
Laura, Jody, Jill
I left a little early around 9:30, to catch on on my sleep. See you tomorrow.
“I love getting up in the morning. I clap my hands and say, 'This is gonna be a great day.'”  
  Dicky Fox
sports agent in the movie "Jerry Maguire"

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