Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Plus Two-Hundred

Can you believe how far along Jody has come... Yes we are at Day-plus two-hundred! I have some GREAT news for everyone, but first I wanted to show you how the hair was coming along...
December 2008

 The picture on the left was taken at Christmas time. I gave Jody the "Blue Wave" necklace for Christmas. I bought the necklace when we were in Hawaii for our honeymoon.  

July 2010

The picture to the right was taken at Maggiano's restaurant a few days before we checked into the hospital for the transplant.

The picture below was taken in August about twenty days post transplant. Jody by this time had her full dose of chemo. Jody's hair was falling out in clumps so she decided to let me cut her hair.

August 2010

 The next picture was taken a few weeks ago. This was our first visit with Doctor Brunvand since she had her lungectomy. Doctor Brunvand was excited about her progress.

January 2011

Below we captured the moment together, I was wearing the new hat and bow tie I got for Christmas and Jody was sporting her new hairdo. All smiles!

Jody and I together

Doctor Brunvand and Jody

Doctor Brunvand and Myself

As I mentioned above I have some great news to share with everyone. Jody has continued to improve and she has actually progressed further than she was before the lungectomy surprise. Jody's lungs have improved enough that she does not need oxygen during the day, but as an added precaution we are continuing to use the oxygen at night. The really big news is Jody has been told to she no longer needs to take her daily IV fluids. The doctors have continued to adjust her medication and have even eliminated a couple. Her energy increases daily as her blood counts continue to improve. In July Jody will begin a regiment of vaccines as her immunity system improves. During our last visit the doctors took an extra blood draw to send out for a Chimerism Test to test her engraftment. I will let everyone know the results sometime this week.

This should bring everyone up to date... Feel free to call, visit or write...

Love to everyone!


  1. Jody, You look beautiful!! We are so happy to hear the good news that you're doing so well. We love you!

  2. Wow Sis, you have come a long way, and Tom....the picture comparison is amazing. look great. I get emotional just thinking about it. I am confident the prayers of many have made all the difference. And certainly your can-do attitude has also helped to provide your own miracle

  3. Thanks for the photo update! Everyone looks great but especially you Jody. I do like that pixie haircut. Hope you two valentines had a good day. Talk to you soon.
