Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day Plus Two-Hundred-Fourteen

Jody has been watching the English Springer Spaniel Rescue site almost weekly, when a couple of days ago a dog named Murphy showed up. During our visit to the clinic last week, Jody again posed the question to Doctor Brunvand as she did back on January 18. "Do you think it will be all right if I had a dog?" Doctor Brunvand again said it was OK. He felt it would be great for Jody. Taking care of a dog will give her lots of exercise and even help to pick up her spirit.

Jody began calling the Rescue and by Thursday we went to meet "Murphy". The Rescue, before Jody could adopt wanted to visit our house and if they felt things were OK they would leave Murphy with us for the weekend. Murphy arrived at our house around 4:30 and immediately moved in. Jody fell instantly in love with him, and he with her (me too). Friday afternoon we took Murphy off for a bath at Petco and by Saturday there was no doubt Murphy was staying.
Here's MURPHY!
Go Figure! We got him a bath on Saturday, then we went to the "Dogie-Park" at old Stappleton. He had a blast running around off his leash with the other dogs. 
Jody and Murphy at the "Dogie-Park"

 He was very well behaved and did not steal any one's ball. Murphy had lots of meet-n-greets, if you know what I mean, but he always returned to Jody.
He knew who to come back to...
 (In case you were wondering, Jody did have a supply of treats in the bag.)

Such a SERIOUS face!
My last post I posted some picture of Jody. I wanted to show everyone how her hair has begun to come back. Jody has a picture of her mom on our dresser that I like a lot and I keep telling her the hairstyle is coming back. What does everyone think? Should Jody go for her Mom's waive or not... Need to hear form you...

Jody's mother circa 1936
The picture above is a picture of her mom, Maxine. It was taken in California when she was 24 years old. I love the curls and the top wave. I think it will look great on Jody.
Jody circa 2011
Like mother like daughter. I love the smile and the expresive eyes.


  1. Now Tom...movies from the 30's and 40's are my favorites, mostly for the dresses with refined lines and shoulder pads. But the hairstyles, NO. I know Jody is right with you on this one (ha, ha) so I vote for the Veronica Lake hairstyle. Amos and Rex send a "woof, woof" to their new cousin.

  2. I would love to know how everyone is doing with spring in the air. Jody, Tom, Murphy, the blood counts, the whole enchalada!!! Love you guys.
