Jody's Garden

Jody's Garden
"No Worries"................. On a Sunset Cruise off Na Pali.................. "You can click on the picture for a tour of what we saw and the fun we had..............." (If you are new to my blog, I post the most recent news or event first (or on top). If you are trying to catch up, you may want to start with my older posts first by clicking on the "Blog Archive" and choosing a title)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Plus Ninety-Nine

Here it is Thursday... Two day since my last report. Jody and I had a lot of things to catch up after returning from the hospital. All is well!

On Tuesday, Jody and I took Papa Joe out to get his hearing aid fixed (He broke it pretty good this time, I was unable to fix it and we needed a part), afterwards we went to "Chick-fil-a" (my favorite chicken sandwich) for lunch. He loved it, a day out with "The Little-One" (Papa Joe's name for Jody) and something different. (It beats a cheese sandwich at the nursing home for lunch.) Wednesday, I caught up on the bills and finished my on going battle with the insurance companies. I also caught up on my record keeping. Jody is on twenty-eight different drugs, most of them have to be taken two times a day (some of them three times), some with food and some without. In addition, Jody receives an infusion of (one-litre) fluids with magnesium and potassium through an IV in her chest to keep her electrolytes in balance. These drugs change sometimes once a week and I maintain a record of what changes and when to be sure we stay on track.

This brings us to today. Jody is going into the clinic for her bi-weekly check-up and then it is back to the hospital for our one-hundred day bone marrow biopsy. The doctors are not expecting any change, just continued improvement of the graft. This will be the last biopsy for awhile. The next one is typically at the one-hundred-eighty day mark.

More to follow...

1 comment:

  1. Howdi!
    Wondering if you are in our out of the hospital on this date. Went to the dog park with Amos, he was fine until he forgot to look behind him as 3 "monster" dogs came running in his direction and bowled him over. He didn't wander too far from me after that. One day he'll play with the big boys. Talk to you soon. Chris
